Physical infrastructure

Infrastructure components that are (a) essential to the production, delivery and distribution of products, activities and services, (b) which have economic value, and (c) which are managed as tangible assets. Such assets include traditional infrastructure facilities, like roads, water and sanitation facilities, as well as the land and any buildings required.


1. See also “Infrastructure systems”.


Modified from UN, 2021


Highway as infrastructure asset and its management –Derbyshire County Council, UK

The Derbyshire County Council (DCC) is responsible for the largest and most prominent asset in the region, the highway infrastructure. This massive network spans over 5,000km and includes not only roads, but also cycle routes, bus stations, and parking facilities, among others. This infrastructure plays a significant role in fulfilling the Council's plan, which includes objectives such as promoting social inclusion, health, and environmental protection. The DCC has identified a resilient network of roads that receive priority during adverse weather conditions and events, accounting for about 10 percent of the roads managed by the council. To ensure the best value for money, a strategy has been devised with short-term, medium-term, and long-term outcomes. The highway infrastructure serves as a vital tool in addressing the transport vision and challenges outlined in the Local Transport Plan (LTP).


Source: Highways Infrastructure Asset Management. Derbyshire County Council. (n.d.). Retrieved December 26, 2022.